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  • Writer's pictureDragonfly Healing Room

Friday Fast Fix Kinesiology Tip - Reduce 'Craving' For Sugar makes us 'feel' good, it's a comfort, it's a go to in times of stress or upset or energy slumps...but why? When we eat sugar in any type of form, cakes, chocolate, biscuits (the list goes on) our brain gets a 'hit' of dopamine and when this is released it creates feelings of pleasure and reward it's known as the 'feel good' hormone and neurotransmitter that's an important part of your brain's reward system. Thing is we 'like' this feeling and the dopamine tends to wear off quite quickly meaning that we want another 'hit' to enjoy the 'feel good' vibes. This can often lead to a vicious makes us 'feel' good, it's a comfort, it's a go to in times of stress or upset or energy slumps...but why?

When we eat sugar in any type of form, cakes, chocolate, biscuits (the list goes on) our brain gets a 'hit' of dopamine and when this is released it creates feelings of pleasure and reward it's known as the 'feel good' hormone and neurotransmitter that's an important part of your brain's reward system.

Thing is we 'like' this feeling and the dopamine tends to wear off quite quickly meaning that we want another 'hit' to enjoy the 'feel good' vibes. This can often lead to a vicious cycle where we end up consuming more and more sugar and this then leads to weight gain and a reliance on the sugar reward.

Remember that 'food' is not just 'food' - it has emotional links to us too. Sometimes we have a reliance on the foods that make us feel good emotionally as well as the links to dopamine.

If reducing sugar is something you would like to do these are some suggestions to help. By swapping to alternatives your brain will seek it's rewards through other means:

* Sleep - this makes a big difference for sugar cravings - sleep deprivation is associated with increased hunger and sweet cravings

* Exercise - just by moving your body to increase blood flow endorphins are released and almost instantly we feel better - even a brisk walk will have a positive effect

* Breathe - when we breathe properly we reduce our stress response - when we are stressed the adrenals will 'crave' sugar as fuel

* Pause - next time you want to grab the sugar fix - pause and ask yourself if you are 'really' hungry or are you stressed, bored, anxious or tired - and see where the thoughts and feelings take you

* Water - sometimes your body's signals become confused and will crave food when it is actually dehydrated. Drink a glass of water when you have the sugar craving and then 20minutes later ask yourself whether you still need the sugar. where we end up consuming more and more sugar and this then leads to weight gain and a reliance on the sugar reward. Remember that 'food' is not just 'food' - it has emotional links to us too. Sometimes we have a reliance on the foods that make us feel good emotionally as well as the links to dopamine. If reducing sugar is something you would like to do these are some suggestions to help. By swapping to alternatives your brain will seek it's rewards through other means: * Sleep - this makes a big difference for sugar cravings - sleep deprivation is associated with increased hunger and sweet cravings * Exercise - just by moving your body to increase blood flow endorphins are released and almost instantly we feel better - even a brisk walk will have a positive effect * Breathe - when we breathe properly we reduce our stress response - when we are stressed the adrenals will 'crave' sugar as fuel * Pause - next time you want to grab the sugar fix - pause and ask yourself if you are 'really' hungry or are you stressed, bored, anxious or tired - and see where the thoughts and feelings take you * Water - sometimes your body's signals become confused and will crave food when it is actually dehydrated. Drink a glass of water when you have the sugar craving and then 20minutes later ask yourself whether you still need the sugar.

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