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“Sue has treated both my children (aged 10 and 13) with Kinesiology. She has a wonderful way of explaining what she’s doing in terms that they understand and makes them feel listened to and like they have a say in their treatment. She’s been 100% spot on identifying issues, explaining to them what their body is going through and understanding how they feel. She’s also been able to treat them in a way that works for them (no large tablets to swallow please!) Everyone needs a Sue in their pocket to keep with them at all times!”

Kinesiology is considered to be a complete form of complimentary wellness care.  It uses gentle muscle testing to look for, understand and aid in supporting any imbalance within the body.  


I find that children from around the age of 5 are able to muscle test with me.  If however this is tricky then I use a wonderful technique called surrogate muscle testing. 


To use surrogate muscle testing, the parent is in physical contact with the child and I use the parents muscles to test the muscle responses of the child. Through this brilliant technique I am able to suggest the imbalances that the child may be challenged with and can then create your child’s individual wellness plan. 


What do sessions involve? 


As I assess the muscles using the surrogate testing technique and the feedback that they provide, I will create an individual wellness plan for your child which may have the following suggestions: 


  • Food supplements suitable for children

  • Dietary changes including advice on food and chemical sensitivities 

  • Gentle relaxation techniques 


Kinesiology can help with many health challenges for children including:


Aches & Pains

Anxiety & Worries

Food Sensitivity

Learning Challenges

Skin Issues

Sleep Challenges

Tummy Struggles

...and many more...


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